The Company realizes that good corporate governance is instrumental in enhancing its operational efficiency and achieving sustainable growth, bringing about maximum benefits to all involved parties including employees, investors, shareholders, and other stakeholders.

As a consequence, the Board of Directors deemed it appropriate to formulate a comprehensive corporate governance framework that addresses the structure, roles, duties, and responsibilities of the Board of Directors together with the management of executives with transparency, clarity, and verification in line with the Code of Corporate Governance for Publicly-Listed Companies 2017 (CG Code for PLCs) of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

The Company’s Corporate Governance Policy provides guidelines for the oversight of the Board of Directors to ensure long-term solid operating results and creditability among shareholders, investors, and all other stakeholders as a publicly-listed company on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET).

To assures that any undertaking of the Company is performed with fairness, efficiency, and concern for the highest benefits of shareholders and all other stakeholders. With ethical operations, the Company strives to carry out business that benefits society, develop or reduce environmental impact,

adjust to changing business landscapes, and create value to the business sustainably in response to the expectations of the business sector, investors, the capital market, and society as a whole.

The Board of Directors has appointed a number of sub-committees to oversee the Company’s auditing, internal control, risk management, and corporate governance along with supporting the executives and employees to perform their duties with transparency and fairness to assure all stakeholders that the Company will continue to grow in a sustainable manner. The Board of Directors gives utmost importance to compliance with the code of corporate governance which encapsulates eight principles of good corporate governance as follows:

8 principles of good corporate governance as follows:


BLC provides whistleblowing or complaint channels in case of any suspicious breaches of its Code of Conduct and laws as well as corrupt behaviors and unequal treatment.

Whistleblowing Form

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